Islamic (اسلامي)

!د خپلې ځوانۍ ساتنه وڪړئ

!د خپلې ځوانۍ ساتنه وڪړئ

About (!د خپلې ځوانۍ ساتنه وڪړئ) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Name!د خپلې ځوانۍ ساتنه وڪړئAuthorشیخ خمیسLanguagePashto CategoryIslamicPages193SizePDF, 13,2 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4875'] How to be a good writer?Author: Hussein QurbaniTranslation: Nazu KamalWriters are often faced with the question of whether to be a good writer or not. But the real problem is when such doubts and delusions about oneself lead to destruction. This...

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د قیامت علامې

د قیامت علامې

About (د قیامت علامې) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameد قیامت علامېAuthorدوکتور نظام الدین شایقLanguagePashto CategoryScientificPages100SizePDF, 13.6 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4850'] Compulsory studyDad Mohammad NawakOne of the most frequently asked questions by schoolchildren and university students is that they do not know how to read freely and do not read large volumes. Can't read a multi-page chapter or a few pages of a school...

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روژه د ساینس په رڼا کې

روژه د ساینس په رڼا کې

About (روژه د ساینس په رڼا کې ) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameروژه د ساینس په رڼا کې Author.LanguagePashto CategoryIslamic Pages5SizePDF, 118 KBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4822'] Try and learn to succeedWe talk about what it means to be a failure and to succeed with a reference.Failure hinders effort: There are many people who consider only the option of winning, go for everything. However,...

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د قیامت علامې

د قیامت علامې

About (د قیامت علامې ) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameد قیامت علامې Authorدوکتور نظام الدین شایقLanguagePashto CategoryIslamic Pages100SizePDF, 13,7 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4818'] Try and learn to succeedWe talk about what it means to be a failure and to succeed with a reference.Failure hinders effort: There are many people who consider only the option of winning, go for everything. However, many other people...

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نبوي او سپېڅلې ويناوې

نبوي او سپېڅلې ويناوې

About ( نبوي او سپېڅلې ويناوې) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameنبوي او سپېڅلې ويناوېAuthor.LanguagePashtoCategoryIslamic Pages88SizePDF, 9,9 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4789'] Do not despair! + Design a national reading book + Do not use time as an excuse!(Experimental and permanent design)Do not tell us that there is no culture of reading, start with yourself to create a culture of readingIntroductionWe do not talk much...

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!دروغ مه وایه

!دروغ مه وایه

About ( !دروغ مه وایه) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Name!دروغ مه وایهAuthorمولوي ضیاء الحق ضیاءLanguagePashtoCategoryIslamic Pages119SizePDF, 16,4 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4783'] Do not despair! + Design a national reading book + Do not use time as an excuse!(Experimental and permanent design)Do not tell us that there is no culture of reading, start with yourself to create a culture of readingIntroductionWe do not talk...

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په اسلام کې د ځوان او ځوانۍ اهميت

په اسلام کې د ځوان او ځوانۍ اهميت

About (په اسلام کې د ځوان او ځوانۍ اهميت) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameپه اسلام کې د ځوان او ځوانۍ اهميتPreparedدکتور رحمت الله زاهدLanguagePashto CategoryIslamic Pages45SizePDF, 844 KBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4767'] Education is an easy way to improve, develop and privilege human life, which human beings have started from birth and have been updated and incorporated from time to time. Education is vital...

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قرآن پوهنه

قرآن پوهنه

About (قرآن پوهنه ) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameقرآن پوهنهPreparedحمدالله شاکريLanguagePashto CategoryIslamic Pages138SizePDF, 2,1 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4713'] How to learn better Important RecommendationsTranslation: Ghazi AbidIf you are a good student, not only will you get good marks and grades, but there are many other benefits as well, because if you are a good and talented student, you will also get access to...

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د قبر شپه

د قبر شپه

About (د قبر شپه ) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameد قبر شپه Prepared مولوي محمد غني فاروقيLanguagePashto CategoryIslamic Pages92SizePDF, 2,1 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4709'] How to learn better Important RecommendationsTranslation: Ghazi AbidIf you are a good student, not only will you get good marks and grades, but there are many other benefits as well, because if you are a good and talented student,...

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د اسلام ځلانده راتلونکی

د اسلام ځلانده راتلونکی

About (د اسلام ځلانده راتلونکی) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically. Book Nameد اسلام ځلانده راتلونکیPreparedشهید سید قطبLanguagePashtoCategoryIslamic Pages114SizePDF, 1,3 MBPriceFREETo start DOWNLOAD click download button ! [wpdm_package id='4692'] History of reading and reading booksReading books as a treatment is nothing new. Because apparently the king of Egypt, Ramses II, had a book-storage room, and at the head of the entrance he wrote the words: "The house of the healing of...

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