دساختمان اقتصاد

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Book Name

دساختمان اقتصاد


Abdu Rahim


46 Pages




489 KB


Afzal M Waqar

Afzal M Waqar

Afzal M Waqar is one of Easylibrary.org publisher who always tries to upload different soft free ebooks. The Easylibrary.org team appreciates his efforts.

About( دساختمان اقتصاد)Book: You can read short details of the book below. If you  want to get for FREE  please click on DOWNLOAD    (دساختمان اقتصاد)button below, wait and it will start automatically.

An easy way to improve memory
Dr. Tamim

Do you forget a lot of things and want to get rid of this problem? So get used to deep breathing and patience.

This claim was made after a study by American health experts.

Northwestern University researchers have been able to prove the magical effect of deep breathing on the body. According to them, taking it through the nose strengthens the brain and memory.

Experiments conducted on volunteers during the research have shown that people who are used to deep breathing, learn everything very easily and strengthen their memory.

Based on the research of some researchers, it was said that during breathing, some parts of the brain leave their effects on the amygdala and hippocampus in different ways, so when we take a deep breath, some nerve parts of the brain are activated.

According to the research, it has been revealed that those people who take a deep breath have a strong memory and remember everything very well.

Before this, last year, after a study in the Netherlands, scientists said that if you eat shrimp once a week, it will greatly help in preventing the problems of poor memory and mental retardation in old age.

Based on the joint researches of the Medical University Center and Wageningen University in the Netherlands, it was said that those people who do not eat shrimps in a week, they are prone to diseases, and they will suffer from mental retardation problems in old age. will face

Senior researcher Martha Clare Morse added, “As people get older, they get tired and get sick, but eating shrimps can prevent this problem.”

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