د هلمند سیند اوبو موضوع

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د هلمند سیند اوبو موضوع




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Elder and younger / Dr. Mohammad Akbar Peyman
In the first part of this article, we read about the importance of communication and the problems that exist in this regard, and that some leaders refuse to accept their responsibility and put the burden of all their responsibilities on their juniors. These wrong actions have now become a tradition that the elders call their God-given right, and many of our children are not aware of their God-given right, and those who are aware of their right, raise their voice against these traditions. has no heart This chain continues in the same way, and when these brothers become the heads of the family, they will either be deeply depressed, or they will treat their brothers in the same way, and they will become cruel leaders.

It is worth mentioning that among the brothers and sisters, those who are very submissive and gentle to their parents and encourage them to do anything, are harmed by these family traditions in our society, but those who are careless and irresponsible. Being grateful does not harm them and the biggest problem is that the elders also support the younger people of this second group and from here the foundation of injustice is laid in the society. This discussion of ours is about the first category of youths (mild temperament) and we will discuss about the second category in another article.

Some leaders consider the younger generation as property and think that they have the right to make any decision on behalf of the younger generation without asking them, for example, about future life and marriage. Regarding the selection of the university department and even when taking a duty, the salary option is also with the elders. And there are also examples where a father and mother have started a new life, they do not have the right to name their newborn child. In order to justify these bad practices, different methods of pressure are used in our society and they put the youth under such psychological pressure that they cannot even give an opinion about the important decisions of their lives. For example, many parents repeat this proverb again and again that parents never want their children to be harmed, but we see many examples in society that prove this proverb wrong and we have seen many parents who risk their children’s lives. It has made it bitter and has made many of them deeply saddened. These people live but cannot enjoy life.

Some mothers say to their children that I did not give them my milk, some fathers threaten to deprive their children of their property, and some say that they are up to the barbars, and the British are blackmailing their children. Young people also take such restrictions seriously and accept everything and deal with their future life in this way.

In our society, people are proud of living in the same house and calling them after marriage is considered a kind of shame, while at home, each other’s hearts are black and only to show themselves to others. Demonstrating unity. The longer this cohabitation continues, the more the hatred between the family members increases because this cohabitation is not based on justice and the rights of many family members are violated. This is the continuation of the centuries-old truce, where there is more competition and violence than cooperation. Some parents say very harshly that I will have children as long as I am alive, if it is possible, it is a great injustice to the members of the family. I saw a father who proudly said that his son’s death in front of the people is not worth even a grain of wheat.

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