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“Every human being has the right to education…”
Prof. Asif Bhand
(The first clause of the twenty-sixth article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
No one will ask the king
Why is the school bell ringing?
(Hanif surprised)
In the first clause of the twenty-sixth article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is stated that:
“Every human being has the right to education, education and training, especially primary and basic education, should be free and compulsory, vocational education opportunities should be open to all, universities and other higher education institutions. Educational institutions should be open to everyone, who can benefit from them according to their talent and ability.
Stopping the education of girls is the beginning of the tragedy of several generations of misfortune. If this is not prevented, the current and many other generations will be considered ruined and brought up in the pit of misfortune.
In the field of girls’ education, the new authorities failed to keep their promises and stopped the education of half of Afghanistan until an unknown date in the name of “Amar Sani”.
With the arrival of the new rulers, the education of girls was stopped, but it faced many threats outside the country. No one listens to the voice of the poor and hungry people of Afghanistan, but the international community told the new rulers right from the beginning that girls should be allowed to go to schools immediately. At the beginning of the new rulers’ power, Amnesty International requested that the doors of schools be opened to girls. At the same time, a report on the BBC Pashto website said:
“Amnesty International Organization has requested that these girls in Afghanistan be allowed to go to schools immediately.
The organization says that it has prepared its latest report based on interviews with many female students and teachers
The report states that many girls and teachers are facing violence and are being threatened by the Taliban.
After the complete control of Afghanistan, the Taliban reopened schools for boys on the 17th of last September, but kept the middle school girls at home.
This group has not yet responded to this recent report by Amnesty International, but its officials say that the girls should stay at home ‘until a proper learning environment is provided’.
However, Amnesty International says that it has conducted 20 interviews with students, teachers and school principals, and it has come to light that the threats and harassment by the Taliban have caused the attendance of students in these primary schools, especially Girls’ participation has declined.
The organization admits that some girls in Kabul, Balkh, Kunduz and Sarpul provinces have been admitted to secondary schools, but insists that girls of the whole country should have this right…”
After many criticisms and suggestions inside and outside of Afghanistan, the high officials of the new authorities promised that the doors of schools for girls will be opened in the new year.
The new authorities said on January 16, 2022 that they will open all girls’ schools at the beginning of pregnancy in 2022.
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