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The head of the country Dr. Akbar Peyman
Before that, I was interviewing patients who tried to commit suicide for a scientific research in hospitals in Kabul. A 14-year-old girl injured her hand on purpose and was taken to the hospital for treatment. The girl, Leh Jiveh Dera Naheile, appeared, O Leh Jiveh Ye, Bikhi Dhelen Tor Vo. We asked him why he was upset, and he asked him why he was angry, and let him die. We told him that God forbid, but what are you talking about? She replied that you are the leaders of Belari, and if you hit the hill once, you will not get off your ass. Zama Anna says that during her last life, she wished that the girl should marry her, before I die, she should do it, and if she doesn’t like the girl, she tried to commit suicide. Why don’t you take your own words?
He said to himself that he will turn people’s lives into hell. I tried to talk to the elders so that they don’t do anything wrong.
This case was remembered because a close friend of mine came from abroad after a long time and he looked much older than us. The man said to me, “What is the matter?” The man told me that he had turned his life into hell. No matter how much money I earn here in the country, the elders and the people say that it will increase with him. He does not think that I will have a future and a life. When he gave me the sin of being the head of the family, we are his children.
The man’s heart was hurt and he told him that I should talk to you, but don’t allow him to make a controversy with Noura. We told him that the only way to solve it is to talk to them directly, he told them all their problems and told them to talk to you. Will ye da kar mate dir problem di zeh khan te ne ne sham villai.
Those who have problems with their family since childhood, there is a mutual understanding between their mother and father, they have anxiety. People blame him and think that people have the right to do more than his injustice.
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