د عذاب قبر درې سوه خوفناک واقعات

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Book Name

عذاب قبر درې سوه خوفناک واقعات


مولانا ارسلان بن اختر ميمن


190 Pages






Asad Ullah Khan

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How to keep teeth white and healthy?
Dr. Rahim

According to a report, one out of every 3 people in the world does not clean their teeth properly, and even if they do, they do not know how to clean them properly.

First: The toothbrush should not be used for more than 3 months, besides, the three sides of the teeth should be cleaned, because this type of cleaning removes all the food particles from the teeth.

Second: Tooth cream and brush should be placed at a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius.

Third: Chewing gum for more than 10 minutes also causes damage to human teeth, because the small particles of chewing gum remain in the teeth after chewing for a long time. Movement comes, this acid helps a lot in the digestion of things.

Fourth: Soak half a teaspoon of baking soda in water, make a solution and then brush your teeth.

Most people clean their teeth in the morning, but in addition to this, you must clean your teeth after eating, especially after eating sweet foods; Because we have protected our teeth from worms, they will also be clean.

It is necessary to clean your teeth three times in 24 hours. In addition to this, to prevent bad breath, you should also keep your tongue and palate clean.


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