
جمال القرآن

جمال القرآن

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How to study effectively?
Suitable environment for study
Choosing the right place to study is very important but creating the right environment is not the same for all people. Anyone can create a conducive learning environment by taking advantage of their living conditions and possibilities. There are only a few basic things that help us to create a conducive environment for study.
Set aside a room for study
First we can use a study room that is used for daily activities at least a few hours a day. It would be nice to have a study desk, couch or chair in our study room. Also, books and other necessities are provided with you on a regular basis.
Create a quiet and quiet environment
The study environment should be relaxed so that the reader is not disturbed by anyone else. There should also be fresh air in the study area to provide complete oxygen to the person as the collection of senses is essential for physical and mental fitness. A room that does not have enough oxygen can cause fatigue and impede the concentration of the senses. This type of study room should be suitable for both heat and light.
Avoid distractions
The study room should be free from all the things that clutter the human senses and keep them unnecessarily busy. These things may vary depending on the environment, but in general the study room should not have a television or any other noise that may cause the reader anxiety. It is also important to remove images from the study room that revive the reader’s memory. But unfortunately, it is seen that some students had put up pictures of artists or athletes on the walls of their rooms, which destroyed the gathering of human senses.
Necessary and appropriate light for study
Appropriate lighting plays a vital role in the study. During the study, the light should pass through the back of the left hand and the amount of light should be appropriate.
We will first look at some of the important and obvious features of the program that can be studied by the program:
. Keeps you from saying everything
. By setting the hour and the schedule, we can have time for each of our books according to its value.
. We have been able to avoid the chaos of lessons and the delay of study in the coming days of Concours exams.
. Studying a particular lesson or subject at a certain time becomes a habit of a person and this in itself has a great hand in the ability of the soul and in the development and adjustment of the mind. It also prevents stress and protects you from emotional turmoil and confusion.

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