About (ډيپلوماټيڪي لارښود ) You can read short details of the book in given chart. If you like the book and want to get for FREE then please click on DOWNLOAD button below, wait and it will start automatically.
Book Name | ډيپلوماټيڪي لارښود |
Author | فرهاد داوري |
Language | Pashto |
Category | Law, Political and Social Books |
Pages | 214 |
Size | PDF, 6,6 MB |
Price | FREE |
How to be a good writer? Author: Hussein Qurbani Translation: Nazu Kamal Writers are often faced with the question of whether to be a good writer or not. But the real problem is when such doubts and delusions about oneself lead to destruction. This topic can happen to any great writer, some people like a writer, but some may not like that writer at all. But the point is that the good or bad of a writer depends on the people, because there is no definite law in this area. So we need to answer the following questions: What happens if we don’t have a good writer? What if we only have effective writing and not what is called good and bad writing? So if you want to write something again, what difference will it make in your thoughts and writing? There is no one-size-fits-all law for good writing, but it is a myth. The idea we have of a good article is just to have a good and useful relationship with a specific audience and to get our message across properly and the sooner we know about this the better we will be able to do our job. We have no such thing as good or bad writing. Just try to be an effective writer. How to become an effective writer? In this section we point out six points: Read: A good writer reads a lot, words in influential writings, such as blood in veins, have such an example, so in order to strengthen your writing skills, there is no other valuable way for the writer than reading. Have an Editor: A good writer knows he needs help, because he can’t write on his own. You need someone to trust you, to read your writing and to critique it. It is good for a beginner writer to have a good friend. Write ideas: A good writer is always in the process of collecting creative material. The ideas inspire the artist and the writer. You need more than luck to succeed in affiliate business. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Write something every day: if you want to be a good writer So don’t forget to write something every day, it is necessary to be a good writer. A writer cannot reach higher levels without practice. Rewrite: Rewriting is an important part of writing that transforms your writing into a flowing and effective text, a difficult but very rewarding task. Inspire: It’s hard to describe, but it’s a mysterious part of writing. You can’t just take responsibility for your own creativity, a good writer knows how to get people’s attention, he also knows that inspiration is so important for innovation. Like a living human being, breathing is important. ۷ـ The world needs good writers: what is a bad writer? We’ve all seen ineffective and lazy people, not to mention don’t try. But as long as you look for good writing, you will not feel that you are good enough. The only thing you need is to be effective and have your writing clear so that you can have a proper relationship with your readers or audience. If you do this, your writing will be better too. |
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