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دمکتب نصاب ټول کتابونه

دمکتب نصاب ټول کتابونه

دافغانستان پوهنې وزارت دمکتب نصاب ټول کتابونه په لاندې جدول کې درکړل شوي. هرکتاب مو چې په کار وو فقط په نوم یې کلیک وکړی ډانلوډ له ستاسوبه شروع شي. دکتاب ترتیب دیو یو صنف لپاره په عمودي شکل دی Download More Books If Download Not working Click here دمکتب نصاب ټول کتابونه لمړۍ ټولګیدویم ټولګیدریم ټولګیڅلورم ټولګیپنځم ټولګیشپږم ټولګیدیني علومدیني علومدیني علومدیني علومدیني علومدیني علومریاضیریاضیریاضیریاضیریاضیریاضیمهارتونهمهارتونهمهارتونهټولنیز لوستونهټولنیز لوستونهټولنیز لوستونهد رسامۍ هنرد رسامۍ هنرد رسامۍ هنرد رسامۍ هنرد رسامۍ هنرد رسامۍ هنرحسن‌خطحسن‌خطحسن‌خطحسن‌خطحسن‌خطحسن‌خطپښتوپښتوپښتوپښتوپښتوپښتوقرآن‌کریمقرآن‌کریمقرآن‌کریمقرآن‌کریمقرآن‌کریمقرآن‌کریم   دریدریدری   ساینسساینسساینس   انګلیسیانګلیسیانګلیسی اووم ټولګیاتم ټولګینهم ټولګیلسم ټولګییولسم ټولګیدوولسم ټولګیدیني علومدیني علومدیني علوماسلامي ښوونهاسلامي ښوونهاسلامي ښوونهریاضيریاضيریاضيریاضيریاضيریاضيحرفهحرفهحرفهكمپيوټركمپيوټركمپيوټرهنرهنرهنر   عربيعربيعربيجيولوژي  دريدريدريدريدريدريتجویدتجویدتجویدتفسیرتفسیرتفسیربیولوژيبیولوژيبیولوژيبیولوژيبیولوژيبیولوژيپښتوپښتوپښتوپښتوپښتوپښتوجغرافیهجغرافیهجغرافیهجغرافیهجغرافیهجغرافیهتاریختاریختاریختاریختاریختاریخفزیکفزیکفزیکفزیکفزیکفزیککیمیاکیمیاکیمیاکیمیاکیمیاکیمیاهېواد پالنههیواد پالنههېواد پالنه   مدنی زده کړېمدنی زده کړېمدنی زده کړېمدنی زده کړېمدنی زده کړېمدنی زده کړېانګلیسيانګلیسيانګلیسيانګلیسيانګلیسيانګلیسي د تعلیمي...

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یورانیم او دهغه غني کول

یورانیم او دهغه غني کول

About (یورانیم او دهغه غني کول): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for...

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About (کارتوګرافي): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries and without them...

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مبانی سازمان و مدیریت

مبانی سازمان و مدیریت

About (مبانی سازمان و مدیریت): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries...

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دهلمند نومیالي

دهلمند نومیالي

About (دهلمند نومیالي): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries and without...

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نسبت او تناسب

نسبت او تناسب

About (نسبت او تناسب): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries and...

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ببرک خان ځدراڼ

ببرک خان ځدراڼ

About (ببرک خان ځدراڼ): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries and...

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غازي امان الله خان

غازي امان الله خان

About (غازي امان الله خان): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries...

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About (فټبالر): Books play a significant role in our life. They say that “When you open a book, you open a new world”. I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind. For the majority of people, books are part of their everyday life.  A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful advice. One can read about anything under the sun. Books have been here for centuries and without them...

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مهارت کشف دروغ ګو

مهارت کشف دروغ ګو

About  Book (مهارت کشف دروغ ګو): Although we think we know what we mean by a “book,” new digital texts and reading devices are making us reconsider. A book has characters, letters and words and sometimes images. It can be read, but does it need to have a cover and a spine—and does it need to have what we think of as “pages”? We instinctively think that it will be printed, but that might not be so intrinsic to a book when we reflect upon its long and pre-printed history—or of the many different material forms of the book in...

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