
What Is a Book?

Not just a bag of words, but a thing held by human hands.By Alexis C. Madrigal BookTraces is a new project to track down the human markings in 19th-century books that, in the era of digitization, will (at best) end up in deep storage throughout the nation's library system. The books are "a massive, distributed archive of the history of reading, hidden in plain sight in the circulating collections," the site argues. "Marginalia, inscriptions, photos, original manuscripts, letters, drawings, and many other unique pieces of historical data can be found in individual copies... Each book has to be opened and examined." While the...

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د قیامت نښې

د قیامت نښې

دقیامت 28 علامات چې پیغمبرﷺ تقریبآ 1500 کاله مخکې بیان کړي او رشتیا شوي دي! نارينه به کم او ښځې به زياتې شي. خلک به قرآن کریم د موسيقي په شکل تلاوت کوي. د مال د محبت له وجهې نه به ښځه هم د مېړه سره په تجارت کې برخه واخلي. هر څوک به غواړي چې خپل ځان چاغ او مظبوط وګرځوي. په لمانځه او ژوند کې به د خلکو سکون ختم شي. د سود کاروبار به عام شي. ريا کاره عابدان به پيدا شي، خلک به عبادت د رياکارۍ او شهرت پيدا کولو د پاره کوي. فتنې به زياتې...

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ممپلي؛ د روغتيايي ګټو خزانه

ممپلي؛ د روغتيايي ګټو خزانه

ممپلي؛ د روغتیایي ګټو خزانه! !له خپلو نورو ملګرو سره یی حتماً شريک کړي  اکثره خلک فکر کوي چې ممپلي به روغتيا ته تاوان رسوي نو د همدې لامله یې له ډیر خوراک څخه ځان ژغوري، خو دغه خواړه په یخنۍ کې له غوره خوند سربېره بې شمېره روغتيايي ګټې هم لري چې دلته مو د نمونې په ډول له څو ګټو سره اشنا کوو. ممپلي د ويتامين A ويتامين E پروټين او اوميګا 3 درلودونکي دی ممپلي د سرطان په مخنیوي کې ګټور خواړه دي، هغه ستونزې چې د سرطان رامنځته کېدلو لامل کیږي د ممپلي خوړلو له لارې...

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The Top 10 Reasons Why Students Fail in Examination

Top 10 Reasons Students Fail in Examination

1: Poor Time Management Effective time management is crucial for every student to balance all the responsibilities (Study, homework, family, social time and much more). However, most of the students fail to do so that causes failure in test or examination. Therefore, it is essential for them to learn the time management skill. Also, the sooner they learn the cheaper it will be.  2: Lack of Preparation If you don’t know how to manage your time, you don’t know that you need to prepare your self beforehand or the deadline, too. We rely on teachers, parents and the deadline, therefore,...

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کۀ نړیوال فضایي سټېشن راوغورځول شي څۀ بۀ پېښ شي؟

کۀ نړیوال فضایي سټېشن راوغورځول شي څۀ بۀ پېښ شي؟

نړیوال فضایي مرکز یا سټېشن دِ ځمکې لپاره دِ یوې کیلي حیثیت لري؛ دِ دغۀ فضایي مرکز پۀ مرستۀ دِ ځمکې ټول انلاین ټېکنالوجیک وسایط کنټرولیږي. نړیوال فضایي مرکز پۀ 1998م کال کې نصب شؤ چې اوس مهال پکې 16 هېوادونۀ شریک دي، دِ دغۀ فضایي مرکز وزن ۴۲۹۷کیلو ګرامۀ دی او اوږدوالی یې ۳۵۷فـوټـۀ دی.دِ دغۀ فضایي مرکز قیمت 93.5 میلیارده ایرو ټآکل شوی چې دِ انسان پۀ لاس جوړ شوی بل هېڅ څیز دومره قیمتي نۀ دی. دِ نړیوال فضایي مرکز متواسط سرعت پۀ یوه ثانیۀ کې ۷،۷۶کیلومتره دی چې پۀ 90 دقیقو کې یو ځل لۀ ځمکې...

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 Common Speaking Mistakes

Top 10 Reasons Students Fail in Examination

‍1. Much, more, less (some nouns occur only in the singular form) ‍Incorrect: There is much dusts. There is more courages. He had less funs. Correct: There is much dust. There is more courage. He had less fun.  Common Speaking Mistakes ‍2. Less, fewer (countable nouns); Incorrect: There were less people. Correct: There were fewer people. ‍3.Possession shared by two nouns! Incorrect: It was John’s and Peter’s car. Correct: It was John and Peter’s car. ‍4.His/hers/its (If you don’t know an animal’s gender, you use “it”.) ‍Incorrect: The dog lost his bone. (You don’t know the gender.) Correct: The dog...

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آیا لمونځ ورزش دی؟

آیا لمونځ هم ورزش دی

ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلیکوال : ډاکټر احمد قرقوزفارسي ژباړه: محمد علي چراغي لمونځ هم عبادت دی او هم بدني – روحي ورزش. هغه څه چې د لمانځه ورزش یې له نورو ورزشونو بېل کړی دی هغه مناسب وېش دی. څېړونکي وايي چې تر ټولو ښه ورزش هغه دی چې تکرار شي او په وختونو کې په منظم ډول تقسیم شي او ستړیا پيدا نه کړي.بله مهمه مسأله دا ده چې د سجدې پر مهال د مغزي شیریانونو بحث دی؛ ځکه د سجدې په حالت کې مغزي شیریانونو ته ډېره وینه رسېږي؛ دا مانا چې مغز ته به لا ډېر آکسیجن او غذايي مواد ورسېږي. دا...

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Importance Of Books In Students Life

by cdadmin| Posted on March 20, 2020 Books are considered as the best friends of students in a real sense, and it is said that they are also the best companions of students. They play a significant role in Student’s life. Books give plenty of joy to students, and they learn a lot of things from books. They take them into a unique world of imagination and improve their standard of living. Books help to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. They enrich the experience of students and sharpen their intellect. There are many benefits of Reading books; students will...

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Effects of Technology on our Health sector

Effects of Technology on our Health sector

A health technology is the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives. Now let's learn Effects of Technology on our Health sector One of the biggest benefits of technology in the healthcare sector. Medical research has led to the ending of many medications and treatments which helped to prevent lethal disease and disorders. By the use of technology, the doctors can identify a person’s illness more easily and it has saved millions of lives and also the medical research has dramatically...

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